Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Power and greatness

Character is tested in crisis. One arrives at power and greatness after many tests, after a long cataclysmic journey. Hillary Clinton is my hero because she has emerged as the true leader, real leader capable of filling the leadership vacuum present in America for many years. She has got the power! She has got the character and strength to withstand all those challenges awaiting this country, this century. I respected her even more when she stood up to the podium and claimed what has never been claimed by an American woman. I respected her even more when she refused to drop out of the race that was tilting towards her opponent and is still not over. She refused to waver. She refused to be weak on the face of constant bombardment, sexism, bias, hypocrisy. She has arrived at greatness...

None of her opponents and no one among today's political elites have the greatness, the power, the character, the strength of this woman! We want, we need a leader like her! If we, Americans, do not bestow her with the ultimate leadership role, we will lose for many generations to come...

Join us in support for Hillary Clinton!

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