Saturday, September 20, 2008

Text-message for peace...

In 1981 the UN General Assembly declared, in a resolution sponsored by Costa Rica, the third Tuesday of September (the opening day of regular sessions of the General Assembly) as the International Day of Peace devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace. Later September 21 became to be known as the day for global cease-fire and peace.

The Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has called to text-message for peace around the globe. "I use electronic communications all the time, but honestly – this is a little embarrassing – I have zero friends online. But you – collectively – can reach tens of thousands of people in an instant. You can mobilize way beyond your clique, beyond your community, even beyond the borders of your own country. That is the power you have and I count on it – your power to make this world different when you become leaders, and even before.” (here)

If our technological sophistication has allowed us to destroy the world by one push of a button, we should also be able to ensure for long-lasting peace...

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