Monday, November 5, 2007

Voices still not heard...

The weak, the disadvantaged, the oppressed are not heard and are rendered to oblivion. In every country, every corner of the world there is that group of people, who by virtue of destiny and human injustice are marginalized and forsaken. Rarely they find any stimule or impulse to speak up and voice their existence... It is only international non-governmental organizations or civil rights organizations that extend their hands to these groups and invite them to the larger world. Indigenous peoples of various countries are perhaps one such group... Read the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

As expressed by Dr. Margaret Chan, the WHO (World Health Organization) Director General (here):

Our greatest concern must always rest with disadvantaged and vulnerable groups. These groups are often hidden, live in remote rural areas or shantytowns and have little political voice.

The World Health Organization was born on April 7, 1948 when its Constitution came into force. That date is celebrated as the World Health Day.

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