Took a minute to put out my voice from the trenches... As a defense attorney either in trial or at threshold of trial, I consider myself a foot soldier at war with the criminal justice system. What is the story of the trial lawyer? A psychodrama, a journey, self-revelation, and constant initiation, re-initiation into the inner workings of the criminal justice system... What do others not going through this process, know?! What do they know... Only those in the shoes of the soldier know exactly what it feels like there, in the army... When you are seated next to a human being, who has put his trust, his hopes in you... who understands you with a simple eye contact... A person who has nobody else to like him in the entire system, but you... Someone who is unpopular, who is distrusted, disliked, feared and considered a 'criminal'. When you are seated next to this person who has relied on you, and how your heart sinks at every piece of inadmissible evidence introduced to the jury over your objection, every piece of undiscovered material introduced over your objection, when you are denied a sidebar, not allowed to voice your objections, and succumbed into submission to 'complete and absolute' authority of court that is impermissibly prejudiced and biased against your client... How your face turns red and you are on the verge of fury and a heart attack when you are not allowed to ask a single queston to the jury during jury selection or 'de-selection'. When you are threatened with contempt of court if you start doing effective representation on behalf of your client... This is the process that is not to be described, or written, but to be lived through day in and day out... It takes someone to 'stand up and fight' as a soldier. This is not about intellectual discussions over a cup of coffee, or writing volumes of books about how to be a trial lawyer. This is simply being in the army. Only those who have gone there and have been foot soldiers know exactly how it is like out there. It is a war where you may win the battle but lose the war because if you win one trial, you are back to square one, and fight for another, and another, and another, endlessly, till the end. There is really no winning at this war, but only fighting for what it is worth... The criminal justice system will never change its institutional law enforcement bias, prejudice against the criminal defendant and custom to wash away, dilute, mischaracterize, misinterpret the rights afforded the accused...
Many people do not understand the role of the defense attorney... We are not defending the 'criminals'. We are there to secure the rights and liberties afforded by laws to the entire society... If some in this society choose not to exercise them, or decide to take them lightly, disregard them or worse, deprive others of them, that does not mean that we will put down our weapons and cease fighting for those rights!
And if those who get the opportunity and power to use criminal laws to subjugate, oppress, destabilize and disable minorities and those without voice-- those at the lower economic rungs of the society-- they will have to account for constant struggle by us! I do not walk alone. I have followed many and in time others will join me...