Thursday, April 29, 2010

Children growing up in prison...

Read a heartbreaking story and watch a video here on how women in Kabul, Afghanistan, charged and/or convicted of 'crimes' have to bring their children along with them to prison. With no one else to care for them, these children end up growing up literally in the prison while their mothers are either waiting for their case to be resolved, or are serving their times... What a psychological trauma at such age... Can children grow up healthy in this environment?! Some of the crimes that their mothers are charged with and convicted are simply ridiculous... and to drag along these kids with them is a total human rights disaster.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hunger and Africa

Niger is struck really badly with a severe food crisis. A mother says, 'I seldom have one meal a day: my breakfast. I have a daughter who attends school; she can't eat every day. My husband has gone to Nigeria to fetch food.' For a full story. For those who know more about the African continent, this story sounds very familiar (very sadly). But this is something that has to be taken care of by the international organizations because the local governments are poorly equipped and lack resources to take appropriate measures. This is where international humanitarian relief is at most demand! It is very interesting to learn more about the availability of funding to these organizations. As the world is in financial crisis, the funding of these organizations is de minimus. The most direct victims are these children, who don't have food to eat...
(photo credit, see link above).